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Healthcare in the Netherlands might be organized in a very different way than in your home country. A foreign language can also be an obstacle. We understand this and therefore like to take the time for you and help you navigate Dutch healthcare.
You can be assured that you will receive high quality healthcare in The Netherlands. However, some things will be arranged in a different way than you are used to.
On the following page we will explain the most important differences. At Stroomz we understand that you may have concerns and we are here to help you navigate Dutch Healthcare system.
GP Consultation Fee
There are fixed maximum tariffs for GP clinics, regulated by the Dutch Health Authority. The tariffs are public and can be accessed at the site of the Dutch Health Authority (Dutch only).
If you have Dutch health insurance, the GP charges a quarterly registration fee and a fee per consultation or medical treatment. If you have a non Dutch health insurance, the GP charges a fee per consultation or medical treatment.
A fee is incurred if a patient that has a medical question is answered in a professional manner. The fee depends on the duration that the healthcare provider spends answering this question regardless whether it is done by a GP’s assistant, nurse practitioner or GP. There are also more specified fees per procedure. A standard appointment with the GP at Stroomz health centre is declared as a long consultation.
So please note that when the assistant gives you medical advice or answers your questions by phone or at the desk, we will charge you consultation fees. Medical advice through e-consult (for example via MijnGezonheid.net / Medgemak app) will also be charged.
The fees are automatically processed if you have a regular Dutch health insurance, otherwise you will be asked to pay at the desk and you can reclaim it with your own insurance company based on the conditions of your insurance policy.
More information
Click here for all information about Dutch health insurance, coverage and costs